Tuesday LAdies Bible Study
"Better: A Study of Hebrews"
January 28 | 9:30 am | Sanctuary
In this verse-by-verse study of the Book of Hebrews, Jen Wilkin explores how God “provided something better for us” in the person of Jesus Christ (Heb. 11:40). Learn how to put your hope and faith in Christ alone with us every Tuesday morning starting January 21.
For more information on the study, contact Ali Strand. -
Disciples of Hope
“Questions Jesus Asked”
Starting January 26 at 10 am | Room 104
Disciples of Hope invites you to join a new six-week study, Questions Jesus Asked, beginning January 26 in Room 104. In this thought-provoking study, author Magrey deVega examines six of the most compelling questions Jesus posed, challenging us to reflect on their meaning and uncover what they reveal about Jesus’ heart – and our own.
Led by Andy Winter, this journey encourages deep self-reflection and courageous conversations. The book is available for purchase on Amazon. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow in faith and understanding!
Acolyte Orientation/Training
January 29 | 6 pm | Youth Building
Acolyte Orientation/Training will be held on Jan. 29 at 6 pm in the Youth Building. This
meeting is intended for anyone who is still interested in being an Acolyte, unable to attend the
prior training, or would like a refresher. If you attended the previous training, you do not need
to attend this meeting. Acolytes will serve in the 9 am service. There will be 1-2 Acolytes
needed per week. If you have any questions, please contact Dorothy Peterson.
February 2 | 10 am
Community Room
Learn about all the summer opportunities happening this summer at Faith! From summer camps to youth group fun, there is something for children of all ages. Learn about Lakeview Camps, UMARMY and more! Faith Kids Preschool will also be on hand to answer any questions about the 2025-26 school year.
What is...
Topic: United Methodism | February 9 | Noon
Topic: Lent | March 9 | Noon
Topic: Pentecost | June 1 | Noon
Topic: Communion | August 31 | Noon
Topic: Trinity | November 16 | Noon
Join us each date to learn more about our church and what we believe. Snacks will be provided along with childcare (for siblings and preschool age and younger).
These events are designed for children but we encourage parents to stick around and learn more.
Youth bible Study
Starting February 9 | 4-5 pm
Church Building
Calling all 6 - 12 grade students. Join us for a youth bible study led by Julie Vidonic starting February 9. For more information email Julie Vidonic.
If you wish to reserve a Sunday for Altar Flowers, please follow this link to an online sign up.
Please enter the name of the person the arrangement is "In Honor Of" or "In Memory Of" in the comment slot on the date you wish to reserve. Please purchase the flower arrangement and have it sent to the church by 8:30 am on the Sunday morning you have chosen. Your flowers will be recognized in worship, and will be published in @Faith, and on our website. This is a beautiful way to remember someone special in your life. After the worship service, you may bring the arrangement home, or we can make other arrangements. God bless!
faith ministries at work
UMW Sewing Group & Hooked On Faith
UMW Sewing Group has delivered 25 walker bags to Meals On Wheels and 20 walker bags to Woodlands Nursing and Rehab. Hooked On Faith will be delivering 20 fleece sets and 20 layettes to Yes To Youth for their Mommy & Me program, which is for infants to 5 year olds. If you would like to get involved, or donate fabric or yarn, please email Darlene Hays at
Hospitality / Kitchen Team Needed
What we do: Sunday hospitality table, special occasion meals, weddings & funerals, and other functions related to food and fellowship. If you are interested in serving at events by providing desserts or casseroles, cooking, decorating, purchasing items for meals, setting up, or cleaning up please contact Cheryl at This team is flexible, no amount of help is too small!
Room Request Form
To request all room reservations for church, non-church, ministry events, etc. please use the Facility Request Form. Please fill out the form completely and submit it to our Office Manager, Lorena Torres for approval. You can e-mail the form to or drop it off at our church office.
For all events or announcements new and ongoing that require promotional art, website, facebook, Faith Messenger, outdoor sign and/ or bulletin announcement including changes, please fill out the FUMC Communication Form. This form MUST be submitted to Kerri and Lorena.
NOTE: If your event requires a room reservation, please fill out a Facility Request Form as well to reserve the room(s). Forms can be emailed or dropped off at our church office. For Non-church events please call us for member/non-member pricing and availability